Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Describe About Ranges With Last Row In Excel Sheet

Describe About Different  Type  Of  Ranges With Last Row In Excel Sheet:-

Last Row For Any  Column Or Row:-

Let us we define LastRow is as a integer and need  to caculate the last row of  perticulre column for range in sheet. Here is  some syntax for last row with discription.
1. LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
It give the value of used  number of current sheet's row . 

2. LastRow = Cells.Find("*",SearchOrder:=xlByRows,SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
It also give the value of used  number of current sheet's row with the search direction(From where is the used last row ) like a  xlPrevious, xlAfter, xlNext.

3. LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
It give directly the value of  rows in specified column(Here is "A65536") .

4. LastRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
It  simply calculate the last cell in column or  row (Here we write row ).

5. LastRow = Sheet1.Coluumn(2).Find("*",,,,xlByRows,xlPrevious).Row
From this code we can find out last row with respect  to  column index and  same as explain in 2 method  written in above.

Range For Excel Sheet With Last Row:-

1. This syntax is for simply known range for user,here is "xlwbook" is name of 
sheet and "rng" is excel range and  A2 to B2 is range.

2.This syntax is for find out last row in perticulre column(here is "A") ,it 
select whole rows of column A. 
Workbooks().Sheets().Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
3.If we want to find or calculate last row according to our need. We can Write the range as:-
  rng=xlwbook.Range("A2","B2"& LastRow)   
Here is " LastRow" is gives just  number of  rows in Column. 

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